Saturday, November 05, 2005

Tonight I was sort of restless or bored or wanting to do something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I wanted to make something I guess, I need a project, and world to build, a story to tell.

Or something.

Anyway, I painted in painter for a while and ended up making this, which is better then normal for just playing around:

Whenever I had that creative urge in the past, I would work on Vynclif, a myst-inspired world I worked on for a couple years until my computer crashed. This was 3D world, not painting, so all that remains are a few renders I put on the internet.

After that I decided to learn to draw, and that's what I've mostly been doing the last few years, but it get's boring and I'm not to the level where I can really create, I mostly just draw what I see. Some day.

In a way, everything I do, drawing, photography, painting, 3d modeling, reading books on film-making or storytelling or aesthetics or theology, has been an attempt to someday be able to really make something, to sub-create, to build a world with it's places, cultures, histories, and people, and one day tell some sort of story there.


Blogger John Jackson said...

Boy that's really amazing Stephen. Thanks for sharing.

11/05/2005 9:01 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Stephen, Thats really awesome. I haven't seen alot of your work, but what I've seen has been really awesome. I especially like the antique compass that you did a long time ago. You should post pictures of some of those.

11/06/2005 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, you're very talented Stephen.
....and productive.
When I'm bored and restless I eat candy - neeearly as productive.

11/09/2005 11:27 AM  

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