Thursday, October 27, 2005

Peter Syomka

I love that image. It's a 3D work Peter Syomka made about 6 years ago. I had a large poster of it from zazzle for a few years until it was ripped on accident.

Anyway, I recently read a few interviews with him, in all of which he said something similar to what he said in this interview:

"In my personal opinion, the greatest artist ever is God. The only thing you need to do for good creative art is just to follow Him in His Art-Of-Creation."

It's nice to see a leading figure in the digital art community acknowledge and praise God as the source of all beauty and creativity.

In the same interview he mentioned that one aspect of a successful project as 'not being vulgar'. Alot of CG art these days is surely pornographic.

Right now he's working as a Modeler on King Kong, and in his spare time over the last few years he's working on project Anna, a detailed anatomy study:

Before switching to digital he was trained as a traditional artist. Unfortunately he has no working website, but here are a few interviews which have more of his work: (thats the one I quoted)


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