Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Broken Beauty

Today while walking through the library I browsed the new books section on the way out, I found Broken Beauty edited by Ted Prescott. He wrote an essay in It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God, one of the best books I've read on the subject of art and christianity. Anyway, just from browsing and reading the intro, it (Broken Beauty) looks like an excellent book on:
  • How the body has been portrayed in recent art.
  • What a Christian view of the body is.
  • Why art and beauty have been separated for the last century.
  • "The recovery of Beauty as the primary concern of visual art."
  • How art is or should be a story-telling medium.
"A Broken Beauty is about this very thing: the rich and problematic nature of beauty and of human experience as it has been given down to us via history and the Christian tradition, it's self a story or a set of stories."


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