Sunday, July 03, 2005

"As ironic modern worshipers we congregate at the cinematic temple. We pay our votive offerings at the box office. We buy our ritual corn. We hush in reverent anticipation as the lights go down and the celluloid magic begins. Throughout the filmic narrative we identify with the hero. We vilify the antihero. We vicariously exult in the victories of the drama. And we are spiritually inspired by the moral of the story, all while believing we are modern techno-secular people, devoid of religion. Yet the depth and intensity of our participation reveal a religious fervor that is not much different from that of religious zealots."

-Geoffrey Hill, Illuminating Shadows: The Mythic Power of Film
(quoted in Brian Godawa's Hollywood Worldviews)


Blogger Stejahen said...

Amber, just to warn you in your conversion to blogger, that post just up and disappeared! I didn't delete it, but it's gone. So I've reposted it, sorry about that.

Anyway, maybe it was a bit unfair for me to quote his (already self proclaimed unfair) book out of context. I'll quote the preface in the comment to the other post.

What the book certenly does is get you thinking in a way you may not have thought before. I don't agree with everything, but it's definatly wakes you up.

I agree with you, God is the God of 'both', it seems that a lot of theologians forget that, though. I think what he's trying to do is wake people up to that.

7/04/2005 9:30 AM  

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