Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Right now I'm reading the Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I read Crime & Punishment last year, and I listened to Notes from the Underground this summer.

He is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.

According to Doug Jones, Nietchze said Dostoevesky was the only christian that he learned any thing about psychology from.

I recently stumbled upon Ben House's blog, he quotes this of Dostoevsky after reading a book on Atheists:

"But the dark powers of this book are overthrown by the arrival of a hero. De Lubac says, Marx was not yet dead, and Nietzsche had not yet written his most searing books, when another man, another disturbing but more truly prophetic genius, announced the victory of God in the human soul, and his eternal resurrection. De Lubac's hero is also one of mine: the novelist Dostoevsky."
-His 'Summer Reading' blogpost

He then talk about Lewis and Chesterton, very interesting


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