Tuesday, December 05, 2006

thoughts in the middle of an all-nighter

here's what I want to do: take a sketchbook, a notebook, a bible, a good novel I've read and one that I hadn’t, a good art book, a good theology book, and some other non-ficiton book; an mp3 player with an audio book, some of mars hill audio, podcasts and music; Some money, an empty suit-case for books to buy, just enough clothes and some travel food, and travel by train or some other public transportation with plenty of people and time to draw or read. Explore cities, buy books to sell (I could get my brother to ship books from home if they sold), draw, think, and visit friends and family around the US.

perhaps 2 weeks.

But perhaps I would need a camera, but I would have to limit myself, perhaps the natural physical and financial limitation of real film would provide that limit. That way I wouldn't spend the trip looking through the lens of my camera and I would be forced to choose what to take pictures of.


Blogger Caleb Bell said...

Sounds delightful. It's unfortunate that we don't have the same kind of rail coverage here in the U.S. that they do in Europe.

12/06/2006 11:01 AM  
Blogger Susan Hartland Olmstead said...

i think about that in the middle of the night all the time...

12/06/2006 11:54 AM  

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